How to Keep Your Jewelry Safe From Tarnishing

Alizey Ali
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Tarnished Jewelry; these two words are something jewelry lovers dread to hear. Who wants their favorite pieces get to a point where they can’t wear them anymore? There’s a definite comparison to be made between two different types of jewelry, too; Unlike fine jewelry that’s made with materials like gold, diamonds, and gemstones, fashion jewelry is usually made with plated metals, semi-precious stones, beads, and glass — which is more prone to tarnishing over a period of time.

Why Jewels Tarnish?

The truth is, ALL fashion jewelry is capable of tarnishing — and some faster than others. Why? It’s simple — over time, your jewelry comes in contact with moisture, acids, oils and air. They react adversely with the metal in the jewelry, causing it to eventually wear down and tarnish.

And what do tarnished jewelry look like? Well, its color ranges from dull to dark black. It can totally depend on the metal used in the accessory and how well you care about it. So, is there any way to prevent your expensive jewelry from tarnishing? Fortunately, yes. We have covered every thing for you in the upcoming section of the blog.

1. Store it Properly

Tarnish-prone jewelry is sensitive to moisture and pollutants — placing jewelry in a drawer or storage box will help keep it from being exposed. Be extra careful and store your jewels in a Ziploc bag — but make sure you get rid of as much air as possible before sealing it. With the air removed, the metal won’t be able to oxidize from the air.

Super keen on keeping your favorite pieces in perfect shape? Get some anti-tarnish strips. They are extra absorbent pieces of paper which will basically suck all of the culprits in the surrounding air that cause your jewelry to tarnish . Stick one in your jewelry drawer, jewelry box, or storage pouch, and be tension free!

2. Separate by Type

You might not be able to control the air around you or your beautiful jewels, but you can definitely control the way you take care of your jewelry!

First and foremost do an inventory of your jewels. Create separate piles of fine jewelry, costume jewelry, and silver jewelry. Costume jewelry should be kept away from silver and fine jewelry, and silver jewelry should be kept away from fine jewelry. The lesser the interaction, the higher the chances of their longevity and luster!

3. Keep it Dry


The fastest way to tarnish your jewelry is by contact with moisture and liquids. This includes putting on lotions, washing your hands, a spritz of perfume, and sweating with your jewels on. Even the natural oils on your skin can wear down the plating and metals over time — and this can again vary from person to person. Got your jewels wet by accident? Be sure to wipe and dry them off right away!


We have shared how to minimize signs of wear and discoloration and make your favorite pieces last longer! We hope you can make full use of these tips and enjoy your jewelry without having to worry about tarnishing!

